What is the most important key to happiness in life? Having wealth? Having success? Or Having Well-being? Well, different people may have different point of view. But, we should remember that we don't live alone, we live in the midst of society or we can say at least our family.
From this point of view, people would wish to live in happiness. No one wishes to live in sadness. To get happiness in family life, work life, or society life, people should know how to get along well with others. This ability of getting along well with others, sometimes give you unexpected gain in life. It's something greater than intelligence. Getting along well with others is sometimes called as living in harmony with others.
You probably may have ever thought that Wealth, Success and Well-being is the most important in life. But, they are actually the result of Harmony. Nowadays, people have neglected this "Harmony" with other people in life. They neglect their family, their friends, their colleague, and other people around them. They can't get along well with anybody and become self-centered. How can one gain real happiness by just being alone or always being in discord with others? The real happiness lies in "being harmonious with everyone".
The following animated cartoon tells you about the importance of "Harmony in Life". If we have "Harmony" in life, "Wealth", "Success" and "Well-being" will follow us. Wish everyone of you happiness.