Money seems to be more and more needed by modern people. Everyone is thinking of how to get more money every day. If you search through the internet, using money as keyword you'll find that there are a lot of links to the sites offering you how to make a lot of money. Some even saying that you can earn instant big money.
Some people say that earning money is hard. The cost of living is increasing every day. Many people say that earnings from monthly salary are not enough. Is it really not enough? I remembered that there's a movie called "Money no enough" directed by Jack Neo, a well-known director of Singapore. And the new movie "Money no enough 2" is almost on show. Why do people keep on saying not enough money for living? Perhaps, they really don't earn much. Or maybe they spend too much (more than they could earn).
Most parents think that earning more money is a matter to ensure future of better lives. But parents should also teach their children to save money, not merely just tell them that they should earn more money when they grow up. This is really important because many people spend quite a lot on things that they don't really need. Some even earn for gambling.
Some people use their money to invest on shares, share business with their friends or expanding their business, thinking that these would grow their wealth. Thus, this is not enough. So, what's next and the most important?
I like a quote created by an Indonesian businessman, Suryadi Sasmita. He said, "If you think of others, the God will think of you. If you think of yourself, the God will think of others". His quote is actually in accord with many religious quotes that tell us to think of others first. Teaching children to save money and to use the money for good deeds charity is teaching them about money in a right way.
Master Chin Kung, a well-known Buddhist monk who propagates Buddhism for years ever said that we should know how to use money. He also said that it's not easy to earn money, so that money should also be used for accumulating merits but not to create evil.
Earning money but don't save it, is useless. Saving money but never use it for good deeds, is foolish. The one who know how to save money and use it to create merit is wise indeed.
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